Thursday, November 15, 2007


so i've really been pondering creating new products lately...scarves are definitely my favorite thing to do, but i'm wondering if i shouldn't add something'll take some time, but i'm thinking about custom-colored lulette hats! and maybe something TOTALLY different like paper goods! i'm a meticulous virgo without a lot of time, so this will take awhile...

i've also had my nose in martha stewart living for the past two days! i never thought i'd be one to go for that sort of thing, but i LOVE it! i'm slowly turning into my mom...but in the meantime (while i ponder my fate of becoming my mother), i leave you with some inspirational photos for the upcoming holiday season:

adorable birdie on flickr here

i'm really into pink this holiday, and it looks like others are, too!

another super cute pink photo!

kate sutton makes cute gingerbread men...poor little fellas...


1 comment:

Debra said...

Hi there,
I just found your link from your comment at Ann Wood's blog!! I'd also blogged about her cute birds so had to come and check yours too ha!
Ha ha funny post about turning into your mum, I'm doing the same but I think I've jumped ranks and onto my Nan!! Not a bad thing though, she truly was great!!
I just love all the old fashioned things that remind me of when I was little with the loving security of the homes they'd made!
Take care, Debra in New Zealand!