Wednesday, October 31, 2007

plushies galore!

one of my very favorite things to collect are handmade plush items....and today i wanted to share some of my current favorite purveyors of plush...and of course to wish everyone a super happy halloween!

this year, i dressed as isabella blow, and created a headpiece out of feathers and millinery wire...if you want to find out more about who isabella is, check her out on
wikipedia...and here i am dressed up this weekend at a party in brooklyn:

now, on to the plush!

this limited edition 'lucy owl' from anna chambers has me hooked already! and there will only be 500, so i'm going to have to get my hands on one now! you can find her at

marilyn patrizio makes super cute crochet guys! this was her stash she brought to renegade brooklyn this year, and i got the little pear on the right! check out her
blog to see what shes up to!

keeping in the halloween spirit, i picked up these little guys from
eternal sunshine...alicia is so sweet, and has the cutest little crochet guys! these have been a total hit with my friends...

an amazingly cute bird from dawn at lookwhaticando! i love her treatment of the eyes on all of her pieces...

have a great halloween, everyone! and if i come to your door, be sure you have these:

they're my favorite!


Monday, October 29, 2007

more autumn-ness

since i can remember, autumn has always been my favorite season of the year...its that excitement before all of the holidays and feasting begin..its all anticipation: of visits to/from loved ones, of hearty foods, and looking forward to the new year....and the LEAVES! oh, the leaves!

so i'm putting together a few images of fall, some natural and some commercial. hee hee.

i drove up to new hampshire with friends a few weeks ago, and the leaves were just starting to turn...hello, quaint!

sugar pumpkins in the store at the orchards we visited...note to self: i wish i could make little pumpkins on scarves...

okay, yes, its crate and barrel-- but hello- its cute!

nikki mcclure's book is fantastic...she describes the seasons so beautifully, and she makes me think of fall...

mirah & the black cat orchestra
'to all we stretch the open arm'
this is one of my favorite autumn things to listen to...especially in the early evening.

i <3 dyslexic press

Saturday, October 27, 2007

inaugural post!

hello everyone!

this is our new blog's official first post ever! hurrah!

its almost halloween weekend, and here in nyc its raining...hopefully it'll end soon, because there's lots of revelry to be had and its putting a major damper on it! (literally).

this fall, we did get together a few new designs that i'm really excited about...including our 'go nuts!' awesome smiley acorn scarf...this MIGHT just be my new favorite...i've been really into acorns in general lately, so feast your eyes on some of lulette's favorite acorns:

our acorns, of course!

super cute acorn pendants from

the black apple has a cute acorn girl print...

super cute card from apak!

okay....time to go enjoy some halloween-ness....
